Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's A Wonderful Life

Who doesn't love Christmas movies? I've never met a person that doesn't. Perhaps one of the best and most legendary is It's A Wonderful Life, a 1947 Frank Capra classic. For those who don't know the story I'll give you a bit of background. the movie is primarily about a man named George Bailey, who lives in the town of Bedford Falls. George gave up his dream of traveling the world and took over his father's building and loan company to prevent the devious banker, Mr. Potter from taking it from their family. When George's Uncle Billy misplaces $8,000 of the companies money, George realizes that he will be held responsible and could go to jail, losing his family and company in one fell swoop. George decides that night, Christmas Eve to end his life. However, the prayers of his family send an angel named Clarence to help him instead. Clarence shows George what the town of Bedford Falls would have been like if he had never been born and George is appalled by the disgusting town, overcome in by sex and lies, run by Mr. Potter. He then realizes that he has truly touched many people and realizes that his life really is wonderful. Of course everything works out for the best and George lives happily ever after and is a better person for his experience. It's A Wonderful Life truly teaches you to appreciate life and to realize that even on your darkest of days you should remember that you've made a positive imprint on at least one person's life and that is enough reason to go on no matter what.

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