Monday, November 30, 2009

Multi-Cultural Event

So I went to a multi-cultural event a few weeks ago (I can't for the life of me remember what it was called) and it was great. There were speakers there from Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Korea, India and many other places. Of course there was food there from each of those countries and then some. When the speakers got up to talk and show their videos I was really amazed at how attentive everyone at the event was. I grew up in a very small town here in Tennessee and I know that had an event like that been held there the few people that showed up would have made fun of these speakers relentlessly. While I have always been quite accepting of people who are of different ethnic background than myself, but growing up in a small town I certainly saw my share of those that were not. I was very proud to be a part of a school that makes others feel so welcome when there are so many in the world that do not. The event was very educational. I learned a lot about those countries and their people and ways of life. I learned about the stereotypes that are placed upon certain individuals and how these stereotypes affect their lives and their outlook on American people.

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