Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Personality, Political Views, and Spritual Beliefs. :)

As I sit in my apartment, drinking my sixth (and definitely not last) cup of coffee, talking to my mother on the phone, it occurs to me than I have forgotten to do something, though I can't quite place what it is. Then it hits me, "Crap! I had homework!"

Since I took the personality test on Saturday everything I have done has reminded me of one of those traits. INFJ. Introverted. Intuitive. Feeling. Judgmental.

I never thought of myself as introverted, really. After taking the test, though, I re-evaluated myself and realized that I am. For instance, last night my boyfriend gave me a choice between going to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pig Roast or spending a quite night at my place. I chose a quite night in and it is a choice that I make almost everytime. I would rather be alone than in a large group of people. While being around people doesn't bother me , it just isn't a favorite. I am decent and getting to know people. While I find small talk annoying, I am relatively good at it. I am an introvert though, certainly not of the worst kind, but most definitely an introvert.

Intuitive. I suppose this means that I base my actions on feeling and gut instinct rather than cold, hard fact. This is definitely true. If I feel, in my soul, that I should dosomething, I will, even if all signs are pointing in the opposite direction.

Feeling. I am a very feeling person. This is something I've known all my life. I feel happiness, sadness, anger, frustration and every other feeling with all of my heart.

Judgment. This one isn't my best character trait. I am harshly critical of those around me,while still being accepting of those different than myself. I generally judge those close to me more than strangers because I want them to do well in every aspect of life and I seem to have this idea that I know what it takes to get them there. I am one of the most opinionated people you will ever meet.

The political compass test said that I am slightly left-wing libertarian.
I wasn't too surprised by this answer. I am pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, anti-death penalty (most days) and completely against a national healthcare system. I consider myself a democrat and I voted for Obama in the last election.

And here are all the answers tothe sprituality questionairre, I think they are all pretty self-explanatory.

Do you have a spiritual belief or practice?

- I was raised Catholic but in the past few years I have really questioned my belief in the whole religious system. I don’t think that any one church has got it all right and there are just quite a few holes in Christianity and I have yet to find someone that can answer them for me.

Is belief itself a problem?

- I’m not sure I understand the question. If you mean do the beliefs of others bother me, then absolutely not. I am very open to the ideas and beliefs of others.

How important is tolerance of differing beliefs in regard to this topic?

- I believe being tolerant of others beliefs is extremely important. Of course I don’t agree with people all the time, but I am generally very open to hear what others think.

Do you believe in a divine being or higher power?

- To a certain extent. As I said, in order to fully believe, I will need a few questions answered first.

How do you relate (or not) to this concept of a higher power?

- I just don’t like the idea that we are all only here by chance. The concept that there is a higher power is, to a certain degree, comforting.

What is the relationship between the physical and spiritual world?

- I’m not sure there is one at all.

How important (or not) is spirituality to your personal identity?

- It really doesn’t have a great affect on my personality. Most of my personal beliefs and feelings contradict the way I was raised and I haven’t formed a strong sense of spirituality on my own yet.

What is your attitude to people whose views on spiritual matters differ from
your own?

- I am pretty open to them. I usually find it interesting to hear what other people think about religion and spirituality/

Do you believe your spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof) continue to change
over time or generally stay the same? What is the importance of change or

its lack?

- Over the past few years they have changed quite a bit. I think change is always good because you are continuing to question things. I don’t think we should ever stop questioning things no matter how simple they may be. The day we do that will be the day we’ve lost the will to learn and I believe the will to learn is the most important thing for a person to maintain.

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